Monday, January 11, 2010

5 Months of Prayer

After my friends from Elon agreed to pray for me to find community in Charlotte, God provided in abundance. I am so thankful for the new friendships that I have been blessed with.

One person in particular was introduced to my life, and has impacted it greatly in just the few months that I have known her. Christen Forysth is an unbelievable friend and woman of God. I can't believe how close our friendship has already become. It is rooted in selflessness and honesty, and simply, she brings joy to any and every situation. It is rare to find a friend for life, and I am sure that I have found one in her.

She is getting ready to head out to Mexico for five months in search of adventure, new experiences, and to be the hands and feet of God. Despite my selfish broken heartedness over not being able to see her whenever I want, I couldn't support her more, and I have committed to be one of her prayer warriors. I can't wait to see and hear about all that she accomplishes.

I uploaded a little video of pictures that I put together of all the fun that we've had in Charlotte, so she'll remember to come back...:)

I love you, Christen! Make us proud!! (i know you will).

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